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Menu 22/23

Consult themenu  (prepared under the responsibility of the Lisbon City Council) for the academic year 22/23.

Management of school meals (scheduling, unbooking and payment of lunches and snacks)

The management of booking, unscheduling and payment of lunches and snacks is carried out by the guardians through the platformfollow.

THEMeal management applies to all studentsirrespective of the level of economic aid they receive (A, B and C).

Information leaflets:leaflet 1 leaflet 2

Platform access

Access to the platform depends on credentials provided to the parent that are sent to you by sms and/or email registered on the group's enrollment platform.

Payment and booking of meals (lunches and snacks)

Having accessed the platform, the parent must activate a student card (virtual card) that works like a prepaid card. Once the card is activated, you will have information on the payment data (topping up) to be carried out by MBWAY, MB or PAYSHOP. Only after payment (loading) will it be possible to book meals and/or snacks.

Food restrictions (allergens and others)

Allergens:restrictions must be communicated to the siga team by email ( accompanied by a medical statement attesting to such restriction(s). 

Others:restrictions related to cultural factors havemust be communicated to the siga team by email (

Doubts, access problems, other situations

Any situation related to requests for clarification or difficulties in accessing the siga platform, parents must contact the siga team through the following contacts. 

CML/SIGA Contacts

Phones: 218 173 546  -  218 170 667  -  913 064 375

Iniciativa “Almoço na escola… Todos em festa”

No âmbito do Programa de Alimentação Escolar – “Crescer Saudável”, a iniciativa “Almoço na escola… Todos em festa” possibilita aos pais/encarregados de educação a oportunidade de almoçar na escola com os seus filhos/educandos no dia do seu aniversário destes.

Pretende-se promover a confiança na qualidade das refeições escolares e a perceção sobre as mesmas, bem como proporcionar um momento agradável de convívio e partilha familiar num dia importante a festejar.

A participação nesta iniciativa requer inscrição obrigatória com pelo menos 10 dias úteis de antecedência e obedece às normas de participação. Além destas normas, é expressamente proibida a captação de imagens e sons (fotografias e vídeos) e a sua reprodução e/ou divulgação.

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